Shipping, Returns and Exchanges


We want you to be happy with your purchase, so if for any reason you need to exchange or return your item, you can create a return or an exchange by emailing us. If you have any other questions just send us an email to

You can put it right back into the packaging that your items were originally shipped in. If you couldn’t contain your excitement and tore open that bag, no problem, you can use any shipping container. Just let us know so that we put the appropriate weight on the shipping label.

We know you know it…but just a reminder, everything must still have the tags on, and be in unused condition. Many of our items are rare finds from overseas there can be delays from customs checks, boat harbor delays or volume. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for international items and approximately 1 to 2 weeks for domestic. You will get tracking numbers, text messages and emal messages as to the status of your purpose. If you address needs to change then please manage the conformation of that location within 48 hours, after such time the item will be on its way to the destination and refunds will be difficult to accommodate. For domestic the same amount of time is applied especially for the custom made order clothing from Idaten Productions. 

RATES (US or International)

We have arranged a relationship with our shippers to keep the price within a simple range, weight, location such as remote island MAY add a slight premium. We have taken a few costs on our shoulders to keep costs down as well. 

Arrival Window Price
Flat Rate (18-20 Days)
$5.00 - $6.00  USD
Flate Rate Premium (5-15 Days)
$25.00 - $27.50 USD


You can put it right back into the envelope or box that your items were originally shipped in. If you couldn’t contain your excitement and tore open that bag, no problem, you can use any shipping container. But it will be important to have the purchase information of the item to accommodate a replacement, exchange or return. Our suppliers want to have a continued working relationship with us so if they disrespect our customers we wont use them again. And will suppy you the item with other suppliers and vendors respecting our customers.  

We will process your refund through your original form of payment within 2 weeks of the returned items arrival.


Many of these items are rare and coming from overseas, its important to read the sizes. Many items from the Pacific Coast countries are 2 to three sizes smaller due to the metric system measurements in comparison to imperial. 
Sale and clearance items are final sale and not eligible for return or exchange.